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Head of School’s Blog – 17 May 2024

Welcome to this week’s blog.

I am delighted to report that Wild Wax Melts were awarded overall winners at the Young Enterprise Company of the Year Hampshire and Isle of Wight Final this week. They were against tough competition, including an independent girls’ school who have won six years in a row. Both of our teams were also awarded one of three special trophies: Wild Wax Melts – Marketing, Insignia – Presentation. The Wild Wax Melts team will be going to the South East Regional Final at Samsung KX in London on Thursday 23 May. What an amazing achievement! Well done to Sophie, Freya, Molly-Nora, Morgan and Lissy.

Year 11 exams continued this week and the students have continued to have a positive attitude and their behaviour has been excellent. Breakfast is continuing to be served before their morning exams. We continue to offer students a lunch time study area every day in S10 at 12.55 pm. A letter with further information regarding exams was sent out earlier in the term, a copy of it can be found here.

Thank you to all the parents, carers and staff for attending our Year 7 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday. It was an excellent turnout and we hope you found it useful.

It has been another busy week in school. On Sunday, a group of 44 students attended the Women’s FA Cup Final with Mrs Peake. On Thursday, Mr Peake took the football team to St Georges Park to attend a 2.5 hour training session with elite level coaches. 12 year 7 students have completed their Bikeability course and we’ve also had a final mop up session of vaccinations from the NHS Children’s immunisation team.

You will have received an email from us earlier in the week around keeping children safe online. Please can we encourage you to make it your ‘mission’ this weekend to talk to your child about which apps they use and how they are used to ensure that you are sufficiently aware of how your child is behaving online. Perhaps we could suggest, as a minimum: setting parental controls; considering the age ratings for apps your children are using; telling your child that they should only type something that they would be prepared for you to read or another child’s parent to read; regularly checking your child’s phone and making bedtime a phone free zone. These small actions will make a big difference, not just to your child, but to our school community and we thank you for your support in this.

Can I please remind you that now the weather is beginning to warm up, it is very important that students should bring their water bottle into school.

Congratulations to our highest achievement point winners from last week of term – Rebecca – Year 7, Riley – Year 8, Grace – Year 9, Roo – Year 10 and Tristan – Year 11.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Begley

Head of School – Carisbrooke College