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Head of School’s Blog – 21 June 2024

At last, summer feels like it is trying to make an appearance! This has been especially welcome this week with Year 7 – 9 competing in their sports day activities. It was lovely to watch them compete on the field; well done to all who took part. You can find the results on our website here.

This week we have also had Year 10 out on work experience for three days. I very much hope that all students who managed to secure placements found this a valuable experience.

Today, students have been remote learning due to the Isle of Wight festival. I hope you have managed to complete the work set. If you are attending the Isle of Wight Festival, please remember to keep safe and have an amazing time. We are open as usual on Monday, so we will expect students in at the usual time please.

A couple of dates for your diary. On Wednesday 3 July we have our annual Awards Evening. If your child has been nominated for an award, you will receive a separate email inviting you. On Tuesday 9 July we have transition day when we will be welcoming our new Year 7 cohort up to Medina College to experience the school for the day.

There was no Hot Chocolate Friday this week due to students not being in school but it will return next week.

Whatever you are doing this weekend, I hope you have a restful one.

Mr Pearce-Jones

Head of School – Medina College