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Performance Data

Performance Tables

Data for Medina College can be viewed at the link below to the school and college performance tables website. 

Please find a link to the performance measures website below.

Assessment Results

Schools are required to publish assessment results for the academic year 2021-2022.

The table below shows the Key Stage 4 assessment results for Medina College in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Assessment Measure 2021-2022 Academic Year
Progress 8 -0.68
L5+ in En & Ma 36%
Attainment 8 42.35
EBacc APS 3.45
EBacc Entry 29%
% of pupils staying in education or going into employment after KS4 TBC