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Year 13 Leavers’ Awards 2024

It was wonderful to have Year 13 together on Wednesday 15 May for a final assembly. As well as sharing some important end of term information, it was a pleasure to celebrate our students and their successes by giving out the Leavers’ Awards.

Each subject area presented an award to the most exceptional student for their progress and achievement over the course of their studies at The Island VI Form. Special awards were also presented for Contribution to Debating Life, Resilience, Outstanding Academic Progress & Achievement and the Head of School’s Student of the Year. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see details of all of the award winners.

Year 13 have now started their examinations and we wish them all the best of luck. Staff will continue to be available to support students in normal lesson periods until the final examination has taken place.

We look forward to seeing all of the hard work pay off on results day, 15 August 2024.

Award Winners

Award Student Winner Citation
Art & Design Rosie Mills What a wonderful talented and creative student Rosie is. She has always approached her work with true dedication, care and hardwork. She has become an excellent painter and also works brilliantly in mixed media, supporting her work with an inherent understanding of her themes and concepts. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with her over these 2 years and see her blossom as an artist.
Business Jess Beckley Jess has been an exemplary student in Business Studies throughout years 12 and 13. Jess has the ability to be self critical in her work as well as taking the views of others in order to better understand different situations. Jess has been an absolute pleasure to have in the classroom, her focus and work ethic is a positive factor to those around her.
Biology Georgie Gobby Throughout the course Georgie has consistently worked hard, her enthusiasm to embrace each challenge and determination to succeed has been a positive influence on her peers. She has in particular excelled at practical work as well as the unique ability to produce intricate, colour coordinated models of a range of biological processes. We wish her the very best of luck for her physiotherapy degree.
Chemistry Rhiannon Stafford-Bower Consistent exemplary effort both in and out of lessons. She has a real aptitude for the subject and has a bright future ahead of her as she goes on to study Chemistry at University next year.
Children’s Play, Learning & Development Maisie Percy Dedicated, curious, driven and accomplished are just some of the ways to describe Maisie. While studying Children’s Play Learning & Development she has shown herself to be an exemplary student. She has not waivered in her commitment to study and produce outstanding outcomes. I wish her so much luck as she embarks on her next chapter.
Classical Civilisations Gabi Sheaff Gabi will be a brilliant Classical studies university scholar. Her attention to detail, her extra research and her ability to make links across the ancient world have been a joy to read. Even better, we got to share this with her at the Parthenon in Athens! All the best for your continuing studies.
Computer Science Nikodem Bieganek For the whole course, Nik has just quietly worked away, completing all that has been asked. He has shown a very good understanding of Computing concepts and produced a good programming project.
Criminology Josie Hollis Wonderful! Always prepared, always goes the extra mile – turns up to extra sessions, does all her homework, watches crime documentaries for a laugh, awesome with her peers and a pleasure to work with!
English Language Emma Moore Emma is, frankly, the model student. She has worked very hard from day one, building an impressive level of knowledge in the subject through her wider reading and exhaustive attention to detail. Her work ethic is truly impressive and will stand her in good stead in the future.
English Literature Bridie Guiden Studying English Literature with Bridie in the class has been a pleasure for her teachers and fellow students alike. She is thoughtful and thorough, with excellent study habits and takes a genuine interest in every text we have encountered. Bridie does it all: she works well with everyone, helps others, has very good attendance, completes homeworks, and contributes valuably to discussion and reading. Thank you Bridie – we wish you much deserved success in the future.
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Scarlett Devereux Scarlett has absolutely made the most of the opportunity of the EPQ – she has unfailingly attended sessions after school as it didn’t fit her timetable, and it has been a pleasure to see her completely immerse herself in her subject – producing enough to satisfy the demands of a Masters Degree in the end! Her intellectual curiosity and attention to detail have been consistently impressive – even when technical issues would have brought a lesser person to their knees! We wish you all the best in the future.
Fashion & Textiles (Single) Izzy Green Dedication, attention to detail, discipline and attitude is always outstanding. Aimable and intelligent and a great asset and inspiration to the class. We wish her all the success she deserves and we have no doubt that she will use these skills in any future creative application.
Fashion & Textiles (Double) Ruby Kearns An amazing student! Her attitude and discipline towards her studies is phenomenal, Quiet and unassuming but always pleasant, polite and productive in lessons. We are confident that she will be a success in the next stage of her education and future creative pursuits.
Film Studies Teagan Collins Teagan has shown a sustained and outstanding commitment to Film Studies over the past two years. Her academic abilities have been peerless and she always writes at the highest levels. Her practical work has improved dramatically this year and she now looks to continue on into a film production career. We wish her well and are sure that she will be very successful in this endeavour.
Forensic Investigation Szymon Sadel This award goes to Szymon for trying again with a changed attitude to learning and smashing it out of the park. He has worked harder and smarter than ever. It has been a great pleasure watching the transformation. Well done, good luck in your future studies in Forensic science. You shall be missed.
Geography Lennon Stone Lennon is a passionate geographer and a dedicated student who has clearly demonstrated a high level of understanding in both physical and human geography. Without a doubt, his greatest attribute is acting on advice to always make his best better. He asks insightful questions that get to the heart of the geographical issue. Good luck Lennon, and we’re looking forward to working with you as a Geography teacher one day!
Geology Macey Hughes An outstanding Geologist with a real passion for the subject, Macey not only knows her theories but she is a complete pro with a compass-clino! Her approach to her scientific studies is an example to us all – and she’s made us very jealous about her recent trip to Iceland!. Less wet than the Lake District… All the very best from us at VI Form
Government & Politics Daisy Peach Daisy is an amazing student of Politics and has worked extremely hard for the two years of the course. She has a very astute understanding of the political world and has the potential to do really well at university. Congratulations.
Graphics Callum Jupe Callum has made amazing progress as a graphic designer. His work is witty, humourous and without doubt original. It’s been a real pleasure to see Callum grow as a person and his interest and enjoyment in lessons. This award is rightly deserved, we will miss Callum and wish him well for the future.
Health & Social Care (Single) Kirsty Allenby Kirsty is a woman on a mission to achieve the best – independent, resilient, determined, good humoured; just a few words to describe her approach to work. Well done on achieving consistently high marks in your coursework and exams. Your positive attitude no matter what is commendable.
Health & Social Care (Double) Shania Swinfield Shania has an amazing work ethic and natural gift in this subject. She has shown an ongoing determination to succeed despite any drawbacks she may have suffered. She has a fantastic ability to apply her knowledge to different real life scenarios with care and empathy. Her outstanding achievement of 100% in her most recent exam is proof of the fact that she has the most comprehensive understanding of this course and what health and social care is fundamentally about. Well done Shania – you are a star!
History Harry Wells Arriving late (to the Island, not to his lessons) Harry has more than made up for it. His hardworking, considered approach to his studies of History are paying off. He fully engages in class discussions and is sure to thrive at university. Thank you!
Law Heidi Scott-Jackson Well done Heidi: two years of consistent hard work and effort. Always ready to ask questions, always ready to hand in homework and always ready to see a different point of view. Good luck for the next stages in your academic journey.
Mathematics Aidan Clement Aidan has shown a tremendous work ethic in mathematics during his time at VI Form. His determination to succeed has been a pleasure to witness and we wish him every success for the future.
Mathematics (Further) Oliver Morrish Oliver is a consistent and conscientious student who has gone from strength to strength in Further Maths. Oliver has been a pleasure to teach and we wish him all the best in his future mathematical endeavours.
Media Studies Callum Taylor Callum has shown a wonderful commitment to Media Studies across both years of his studies. His dedication to creating thoughtful and diverse artefacts has been a real credit to his work ethos. He has always gone that ‘extra mile’ in his studies and is always seeking to improve on his work. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach him and we wish him well in his future endeavours.
MFL (French & Spanish) Maisie Henderson

French: Maisie is an insightful, hard-working and dedicated dual linguist who shows both skill and flair in each piece of work she produces. From fierce debates to insightful presentations, she regularly scores 100% in assessments and is a linguistic force to be reckoned with. An exciting time at university studying languages awaits her and I wish her all the luck with what I know will be a formidable future! Good luck Maisie, we will really miss you next year!

Spanish: I have never met a more hard-working student. She picked up Spanish late in Y9 and ran with it. Her work ethic is second to none. She even hands in extra essays! She has an amazing ear for language and has been an absolute delight to have taught over these last five years. She is an amazing linguist who will be an asset to whatever organisation she chooses to join. I wish her so much good luck and success in the future. Lo mereces Maisie!

Music Olivia McCreath Olivia has worked really well across both years of the A level course, consistently working to improve both her coursework and exam practise. The very best of luck for the future, Olivia!
Performance Arts Leah Eagles Leah has worked incredibly hard to develop and refine her understanding of theatre over the last two years and always produces work of a very high standard. It has been great to see Leah use knowledge learned from her other subjects and weave them into her work to create thought provoking pieces of theatre. Very well done Leah and I wish you all the very best for your future.
Philosophy Soraya Meadows Soraya has worked incredibly hard over the Philosophy course, growing in confidence, skill and knowledge. Attendance is excellent and she has attended every revision session available, showing real admirable commitment. Soraya has been a pleasure to teach and I will miss her, but she will soon go to university and impress everyone there! Well done and good luck!
Photography Eve Warr Eve is an outstanding photography student who has worked incredibly hard over the course of the A level. She is self motivated and ambitious to achieve the best work possible, whether essay writing or preparing for a shoot. She has a place at Bournemouth University to study Photography at degree level, and I couldn’t be more proud and delighted for her. I hope she stays in touch, good luck and best wishes Eve.
Physics Anastazja Milewska Anastazja has worked incredibly hard in Physics this year and continued to demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject. Following health issues last year she has strived constantly to catch up gaps and fully get to grips with every part of the subject. She deserves to do very well this summer.
Psychology Louis Forster Louis is an exceptional psychology student who always strives to achieve his very best. He has worked incredibly hard over the past two years never missing a deadline and always putting his all into every piece of work he completes. It has been a real pleasure teaching Louis and watching his confidence grow. I wish him all the best for his future.
Sociology Eleanor Day Eleanor has demonstrated a very high level of understanding and dedication. Her essays are well structured and often highlight why an issue is complicated. Eleanor follows advice very well and responds to feedback immediately. She is a brilliant student of Sociology and I am sure that she will go on to many great successes.
Sport Amy Plummer Amy has consistently worked at a high level achieving a good set of examination grades in Year 12 and Distinction in all of her coursework in Year 13. She is constantly determined to improve her work and has been an asset to the class. Thank you Amy for all of your hard work
Travel and Tourism Poppy Plested Poppy has always been an outstanding Travel and Tourism student who brings her world experience into the classroom. She has excellent research and presentation skills and is fantastic at sharing her knowledge and supporting others. She’ll make a wonderful primary teacher and excellent travel companion!
Contribution to Debating Life Elliot Berriman Elliot is a man of strong opinions and views on the world, which he shares with us every week in the debating group. He was also a key part of the award winning Mock Trial team last year. He actively seeks out difficult subjects, thinks deeply and responds to every aspect of the opposing view. Please keep it up!
Award for Resilience Ella Blackburn Ella is dedicated, hardworking and driven. She has worked hard from day one. Even though she has sometimes found parts of her subjects a challenge, she has managed to make adaptations that have helped her achieve. She deserves to do very well this summer. Good luck and best wishes Ella.
Outstanding Academic progress and Achievement Callum Taylor Outstanding progress from GCSE to A level, predicted to achieve at least one grade higher than target grade.
Outstanding Academic progress and Achievement Maryam Elsayed Outstanding progress from GCSE to A level, predicted to achieve at least one grade higher than target grade.
Head of School Award – Student of the Year Jake Curran Jake has been an oustanding student throught his time at VI Form, he has been a driving force of the Student Voice over the last 2 years, planning the prom and giving his time willingly to numerous musical events to name just a few things.